Tag: automation

  • 10 Reasons To Automate UI Test

    User interface automation testing should be part of any successful software development crew. Unit testing is great, but to cover the largest area of your software with the least effort you’ve got to start with the UI. Here are a few reasons why…

  • Five Unexpected Testing Roles In Your Startup

    Making sure that your company delivers a great product takes everyone in the company to gets involved. The quality of your system is also a team effort. Here are a few roles whose main task aren’t test related but they still help improve the quality of your system.

  • How Often Should You Run Your Test?

    A few years ago, I was walking through the office and someone asked if we had a test written for a bug that was just found. Was pretty proud to say that we did. They then asked when was the last time it ran. I froze I had no idea. It was pretty embracing. Literally…

  • Tip For Product Owners Planning To Test An MVP

    MVP’s Product Owners & Testing Testing MVP’s Product Owners Testing As A Product Owner Was in an entrepreneurship program called The Foundation in late 2012 early 2013. The goal was to start a SaaS company in 6 months. I failed. This post isn’t about that failure though. I was asked a question about software testing…

  • Rules Every Tester Wants Developers To Follow

    Was working on a project where every other checkin would break some test, and it wasn’t because of bugs. Test where failing because of changes to UX, element id’s, paths, etc. Could feel that people where losing confidence in our automated testing. I use to feel like some software developers where trying to make me…

  • You’re Still A Martial Artist

    Went to a job fair last week to recruit interns. There where 4 different areas DevOps, Help Desk, Software Development, & QA. Software Development had the most traffic. The majority of Computer Science Majors had no interest in QA. I was a little hurt by that, but can you blame them?

  • Why Humans Should Write Human Readable Test

    If you’re reading this I’m going to assume that you’re human, and not some bot scraping the internet looking for it’s next target. The majority of the time a human is going to be reading your automated test too. So why aren’t we writing test for the humans that will be reading it?

  • 10 Big Wins For Test Automation

    Hey Smiths, One of my favorite sites is I Will Teach You To Be Rich, a site about personal finance and entrepreneurship, written by Ramit Sethi. Other personal finance blogs focus on the minor details. They want you to nickel & dim everything, clip coupons, and try to save 5 cents on every purchase. Ramit…

  • 3 Common Pitfalls When Scaling Automated Test

    So your got a few automated test under your belt and are ready to take it to the next level. Its time to start scaling things out. There are a few things you’ll want to keep an eye out for. Don’t get caught of guard by these common pitfalls.