Category: Learning

  • How To Finish Every Game Jam – Dev Log

    How To Finish Every Game Jam – Dev Log

    Today I’m going to tell the story of how I used extreme cutting to submit a game during my first game jam.

  • Building A Side Project Meat Grinder

    Building A Side Project Meat Grinder

    If you’re anything like me you have a lot of ideas. So much so that it can be hard to figure out what to execute on next. That’s when you need an idea meat grinder.   You use an idea meat grinder to find good ideas by filtering out all your bad ones. Take every…

  • My reading year, 2016

    My reading year, 2016

    10 books I loved this year, in no particular order:

  • Three ideas worth sharing

    Three ideas worth sharing

    I’ve been perusing the internet looking for an idea that I could steal. Something worth sharing with you here today on my blog. Something I could remix into my own thing.

  • Talent stacking benefits

    Talent stacking benefits

    How does a model gain over 10,000 followers per day? If someone said she stacked a few talents together would you believe them.

  • The meat grinder approach for startup ideas

    The meat grinder approach for startup ideas

    I first heard of the meat grinder approach for finding startup ideas in a post by Tyler Tringas. Tyler doesn’t try to find good business ideas. He uses the meat grinder approach to filter out all the bad ideas he has.

  • What Software Developers Can Learn From Naruto Uzumaki

    What Software Developers Can Learn From Naruto Uzumaki

    I believe that you can learn from everyone even if they’re a fictional character. If you have no idea who Naruto is then you’re definitely in for a treat. This is another post in a series that I’m writing on what software developer can learn for the lives of others. I’ll cover a mix of…

  • A line of dripping paint

    A line of dripping paint

    Have you heard the idea that we should learn with the goal of being t-shaped? There’s a metaphor I think aligns better with how I want to live life. I’m striving to be a line of dripping paint.

  • Choosing the right process

    Choosing the right process

    Part of learning to trust the process is having confidence in the path that you’ve chosen. When you start out learning something, it can seem impossible. It can feel like you aren’t making any progress. It’s easy to forget that it’s almost impossible to not make some type of progress if you just keep going.