Tip For Product Owners Planning To Test An MVP
MVP’s Product Owners & Testing Testing MVP’s Product Owners Testing As A Product Owner Was in an entrepreneurship program called The Foundation in late 2012 early 2013. The goal was to start a SaaS company in 6 months. I failed. This post isn’t about that failure though. I was asked a question about software testing…
The Test To Automate First
So you’re ready to go. The company is convinced that it needs to work on some type of automated testing. You’re probably wondering what’s next? If you’re not sure what to start automating first. This post should help you out.
The Code Coverage Trap
We all love metrics in the startup world, and tend to have a strange relationship with them. This added with the Engineering minds of CTO’s, VP’s and Dev Managers, and you’ve got the perfect metric trap – Code Coverage.
Why Your Startup Needs Automated Test
Let me tell you a quick story about a common situation. A Developer walks into the office and instantly notices that something isn’t right. His spider senses are going off. The room is electric, there’s a panicked look on a co-works’ face, as they types furiously. The two people in Customer Support look like they’ve…