What Software Developers Can Learn From Arnold Schwarzenegger
When you think of Arnold Schwarzenegger, software development probably doesn’t come to mind. Ok, I’m one hundred percent sure Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn’t come up during a normal discussion about software development. Arnold Schwarzenegger jumped from the bodybuilding stage to the silver screen, becoming one of the most prolific movie stars in history. He redefined the…
How To Avoid My Business Mistakes
The final text was sent. I lowered my head and let out a long sigh. Looked up at my wife and said, “It’s done…”. I had just shut down the business I had started almost 2 years ago called Samson. For those of you who don’t know, Samson was a service that allowed Barbers to manage their schedule…
The Five Whys for Software Testing
Just finished reading the Lean Startup by Eric Rise. It’s a great book about how lean manufacturing principles can be used to help startups innovate and succeed. One of the concept from the book that I really liked is called the Five Whys. Its origins in the Toyota Production System, and proposes that every supposedly technical problem is…